Monday, May 19, 2014

Finally Back

So it's definitely been a while since I last posted, and my lack of posting has been for many reasons. 

1. I have been slacking! Once I got to a weight I was happy with I started slacking up on things. I fell off with the clean eating big time. I've had so many cheat meals I don't even know if they should be considered cheats anymore! If I had been eating like this while I was trying to lose weight I never would have lost very much. I've still been doing pretty well with my workouts, but I haven't always been consistent. Thank goodness I haven't gained any weight, but I also haven't made much more progress, either. 

2. I've been going through some things. As with many of us, life happens. Things come up, things get you down, you start throwing your own private pity party. And things that were important to you just aren't that important anymore... But I'm done feeling sorry for myself.  I'm working on learning from my mistakes and trying to grow and better myself in the process. I'm done whining (at least for now)! 

3. I've been busy! Between myself, my husband, and my daughter we have been all over the place! Birthdays, weddings, kids' parties, sick family members, you name it! Busy busy busy. 

4. I'm lazy, y'all!! After successfully losing 50 pounds a lot of people find it hard to believe that I am a lazy person, but I am. I fight laziness every single day. Sometimes laziness wins! I'm really trying to get better about that.

So, now that the excuses are out of the way it's time for me to recommit myself, not only to my blog, but to my personal fitness journey. It's time for me to get back on track. Cut down on the cheats, rev up the intensity of my workouts, and focus more on my clean eating to help me reach my goals. Even though I don't want to lose anymore weight I do want/need to tone and build muscle. It seems like the muscle building is proving to be a bit more difficult than the fat/weight loss. But I am not giving up!!! I think I am finally ready to hop back on the wagon and push full steam ahead toward my goals once again. 

The main focus of my blog had always been to show that those of us who don't have a lot of means can successfully lose weight and have the body that we want without all of the bells, gym memberships, fancy supplements, and whistles. It requires patience, dedication, creativity, and consistency, but it can be done. I've done it! I'm doing it! 

I am planning to take some more progress pics this week and will post for them here for accountability and to share my journey. Thank you for those who are sticking with me even after I've disappeared. I do promise to make a better effort to post weekly on my blog. Thank you to those who have sent me friendly reminders to keep going and encouraged me to update my blog. You weren't ignored. It just took me a while! :) 

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