Saturday, November 23, 2013

Strawberry Shortcake Refrigerator/Overnight Oats + Coffee Talk

Refrigerator oats are one of my all-time favorite breakfast meals! They are something easy and quick I can prepare the night before and just grab in the morning. They also satisfy my super strong sweet tooth. They can be made in many different ways with different toppings, including fresh fruit. For this variation I have added fresh strawberries and strawberry preserves for a fun twist. Here's what you'll need:

Also forgot to include this ingredient wih the rest of the group, so it gets its own picture. It's also pretty awesome and I use it a lot:

1 cup milk of choice (I use vanilla unsweetened almond milk)
1 cup 0% fat unflavored Greek yogurt
1 cup uncooked oats 
1 tablespoon of honey

About 4 strawberries, diced
3 teaspoons of low sugar strawberry preserves 

First you will mix the first four ingredients together. 

When finished it should look something like this:

Then divide the mixture into three equal parts (factors out to a little over 2/3 cup per serving). I use Tupperware to store, but you may use mason jars with lids if you have them. 

Cut up your strawberries and divide them evenly among the three servings. 

Add a tablespoon of the strawberry preserves to each serving. 

Mix it all together. 

Cover and place in the refrigerator overnight. And in the morning you have a delicious breakfast to enjoy!

This recipe does have a fairly high amount of sugar, but it's not out of hand. To give you a comparison i try to limit myself to about 30g of sugar a day. I would just recommend watching the rest of your sugar intake for the day. I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do! I'm looking forward to eating this in the morning. Give it a try! Let me know what you think!

Nutritional Info:

Without toppings (I.e., no strawberries or preserves):

177 calories
2.5g fat
21g carbohydrates 
3g fiber 
9g sugar 
12g protein 

With toppings (strawberries and preserves):

208 calories
15.5g sugar 
The rest of the info is pretty much the same. 

Now for some coffee talk. A lot of people unknowingly sabotage themselves with their daily coffee, but drinking coffee doesn't have to hinder your weight loss. Coffee itself is actually pretty healthy and has benefits. It's the things that we add into coffee that make it bad for us. Those flavored creamers that are so delicious and make our coffees so creamy are high in sugar and fat. And let's not even get to restaurant lattes! I now use healthier alternatives with my coffee. It's not the same, but I still enjoy it! My recommendations: stevia or truvia in place of sugar, unsweetened vanilla almond milk in place of creamer, and the fat free powdered creamer. I also enjoy flavored coffee. That allows you to get the hint of flavor without the extra calories. Hope that helps!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

What's Next?

As I sat down and began planning out my blog and future posts I tried to think about the order in which I wanted to begin sharing information. So I started thinking about how I started on my journey and figured that would be the best way to go. 

Back in January 2013 when I started my weight loss journey I decided that I would start by drastically changing my eating habits. I began doing a lot of research on clean eating and decided that I wanted to try it. Clean eating means different things to many people, but to ME eating clean means avoiding any processed foods. Sticking with the basics: fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts, dairy, grains (rice, quinoa, pasta). 

I also began calorie counting. Many people hate the idea of counting calories, but I think it is very important to keep track of what you are putting into your body, especially at the beginning of your journey. A lot of us don't know how to eat properly and it's shocking to some when they find out how they should REALLY be eating. I recommend using My Fitness Pal. It's very convenient and also has an app for your phone.

Eventually I began keeping track of my macros, or macronutrients, which to me is just a fancy term to describe keeping track of the specific amounts of fats, carbs, proteins, sugar, fiber, etc. that you consume on a daily basis. I basically try to stick to a low fat, high protein, low sugar diet. 

I highly recommend paying attention to macros, especially when you experience a plateau. A lot of people make the mistake of focusing on calories and forget that you should also be paying attention to how much sugar, fat, and carbs you eat. As I've said before I am not a nutritionist so I don't know much about the topic, but I do know that it's worth looking into. 

The next few blog posts will focus on some of my favorite clean and healthy recipes that I personally use on a regular basis. All recipes will include macros and pictures. I hope that you give them a try and add them to your meal rotation! Most recipes will be easy on the wallet and include cheap ingredients that you can buy in most places. No fancy or weird ingredients that you can't find or pronounce. :)

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Welcome to my new blog! I am a working wife and mother who has recently lost about 40 pounds (36 to be exact). Many people have started asking me how I did it, so i figured I would start a blog in order to share what has made me successful. I am in no way perfect, nor am I a professional personal trainer or nutritionist. I am also still a work in progress. I started my weight loss journey in January 2013 and will not give up until I have the body that I want!!  I'd like to lose about 10 more pounds and focus more on toning my body through weight lifting.

This blog will be geared more toward women who are like me. I work 40 hours a week. I commute 2 hours a day. I do not belong to a gym. I don't have a personal trainer. I don't always eat the right things. I am not particularly wealthy (or at all wealthy!). I am just a "regular" woman. I have worked very hard for my fitness and have had to get pretty creative in order to make it fit into my budget and lifestyle. I plan to share specific workouts, recipes, tips, and tricks that have helped me to be successful.

Please feel free to ask questions and make suggestions for what I can discuss here. I also am open to being a source of support and encouragement for those who are experiencing hopelessness on their journey or need a kick to get started. My hope is to motivate and encourage other women to lose weight when they feel that they can't make it work. I used to think that I couldn't make it work and I did!! I hope that you can, too!

I will close this post with sharing a few pictures that I could find of me on my journey so far. To be honest I did not purposely take any pictures of me at the very beginning of my journey because I was very pessimistic about weight loss. This was not the first time I have tried to lose weight. I didn't know if I could even lose weight. So I've only recently started taking pictures of myself for comparison purposes. That is a big thing I regret and definitely suggest that you start your journey with taking pictures in order to see your progress. Now on to the pictures!!

This was me (and my wonderful husband) about 6 months after giving birth to our beautiful daughter (who is now three years old). Can you believe I was power walking about three miles a day, 5 days a week? Yeah, I was. But THEN I would leave and eat at McDonald's for lunch (at least 2-3 times a week), or drink multiple sodas a day, or drink large sweet teas. My eating was terrible! I weighed about 205. I think my highest was 210.

This was me about a year later. At this point I had pretty much given up on exercising since I wasn't seeing any results. I think this was also when the denial set in. Now when I look back at pictures I can't BELIEVE I was this big! I think I had tricked myself into thinking I was smaller than I was, even though I couldn't fit into my old clothes and had to buy larger sizes. The brain cam be a funny thing!

The first picture was taken on Valentine's day 2013 (date night!). I had just started losing a little weight (may 5 or 10 pounds?), but was still very negative about weight loss. Second picture was taken in early July 2013, going out to celebrate my sisters birthday 20 pounds lighter! I was feeling great! Lol. This was when other people started noticing I was losing weight, which motivated me to keep going!

This picture just shows a range of how I have looked during three different stages of my weight loss. First picture was toward the beginning of my journey before I started noticing results. Second picture I think I was down 10 pounds. I think the last pic is me down 20 pounds.

Left is at the beginning of my journey (already posted), right is one of my most recent pics of me at my lowest weight, which is currently 168.

And now, the finale! I debated with myself for a long time about sharing this picture for many reasons, mainly because, well, it's embarrassing!! I remember back in August I thought I was hot stuff because I had managed to lose 20 pounds. Keep in mind I never thought I would lose one pound! So I thought I looked good!! Honestly after taking the first picture my feelings were hurt. I thought I'd looked a lot better than that! I almost became discouraged. But I didn't give up and ended up losing another 14 pounds between pic one and two (and many inches). For the first time I can say I am now happy with my body. However I have a lot more work to do! Will you join me??